No home or building can stand against the forces of time and nature forever. For many homes out there, it can be a common occurrence to see a foundation wall begin to lean, bulge, or bow. This can happen to a foundation wall whether it is poured concrete, cinder block, or a brick wall. But many homeowners may see this as a problem with the wall instead of what outside influences may be affecting their foundation walls. Let’s investigate into what can cause your foundation walls to bow, lean, or bulge—and how it can be fixed!
The environment and the elements can have various effects on your foundation. These changes occur in the weather, the seasons, and even the natural features around your home. Here are some of the most common causes that can lead to bowing basement walls, foundation cracks, bulging walls, and other foundation wall problems.
Whether it’s due to the forces of nature or poor workmanship, it’s important to have your compromised foundation wall stabilized and repaired as soon as possible to prevent further damage from occurring. Unfortunately, these kinds of problems never go away by themselves and only get worse with time. Fortunately, though, there are solutions to have your foundation wall fixed.
The short answer is yes! ‘58 Foundations & Waterproofing President, Todd Prosan, states that, “Bowed and bulging walls can be fixed, however time is of the essence. In the worst-case scenario, your leaning, bowing, or bulging wall can collapse, resulting in not just a heavily damaged foundation but a house that is structurally compromised and unsafe.”
How Do You Fix a Bowing Wall?
Here are some of the solutions that can help with repairing your bowing, leaning, or bulging wall.
- Carbon ’58 Wall Straps
- These work for cracked walls or foundation walls with deflections of less than 2 inches.
- Your foundation walls will need to be in relatively good condition. Carbon fiber straps can hold your foundation wall in place and keep it from further movement. But if the concrete is crumbling and falling apart, the carbon fiber straps will not be very effective. It is likely that any sections of deteriorating concrete will actually need to be replaced.
- ’58 Strong I-Beams
- For foundation walls with a deflection of 2 inches but no more than 4 inches, the ’58 Strong I-Beams can reinforce your foundation wall and put a stop to any further movement.
- Helical Tiebacks
- These may be the most expensive option, but sometimes they may be the required one. This is accomplished by having a screw-like steel shaft drilled through your foundation wall. This ultimately helps stabilize your foundation wall and restores its structural strength.
- Helical tiebacks will involve drilling through your foundation wall, which means making a possible way for groundwater intrusion if measures aren’t taken. The contractor doing the repairs will have those drill holes filled and sealed against water. But you will eventually need to have these areas maintained and repaired later to keep them properly sealed.
Our Carbon ’58 Wall Straps are perfect for stopping the movement of bowing or bulging foundation walls.
Don’t Wait to Fix Your Foundation Walls
When trouble comes to your foundation, time is of the essence. Bulging or bowing basement walls will get worse with time, and so will many foundation cracks. Intrusive groundwater and moisture from the outside can infiltrate your basement through these cracks. As moisture builds up, mold and wood rot may start growing on your basement’s ceiling floor joists. Excess moisture can also attract insect pests and rodents. Whether your basement is for storage or serves as a finished space, excess moisture or water means property damage.
Bulging, bowing, or leaning foundation walls can also be stabilized with our ’58 Strong I-Beams.
The condition of your foundation walls has a direct impact on the rest of your home and its structural integrity. From ensuring the safety of yourself and your loved ones to preventing catastrophic damage to your property, you should not hold off on repairing a foundation crack or a bowing wall once you’ve discovered it. The sooner you have it fixed, the better off your home and your wallet will be. ’58 Foundations & Waterproofing has been in the business since 1958. For over 60 years, we’ve been keeping foundations strong for years and years. Our expertise can’t be beat!
Enjoy the peace of mind that comes with a stable foundation and a safe home. Give us a call today to schedule for a free foundation repair inspection and receive a detailed estimate for your foundation problem! Our experts will be happy to guide you through our foundation repair solutions and we’ll be happy to answer any questions!